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Toyota increases production with 3rd shift to deliver cars faster

Everyone is aware of TKM’s recent slew of launches. With those in place, more customers are now flocking to the Toyota showrooms in India. More customers means more demand and there’s a need for more production as well. Thus, taking this into consideration, TKM recently announced the start of three-shift operations. This is for  its manufacturing facility in Bidadi.

TKM To Bump Up Production With 3rd Shift

This strategic move aims at optimising production and increasing output significantly. Toyota’s 3rd shift operations will make sure of round-the-clock manufacturing. Thus enabling a seamless workflow and faster delivery of products to the customers.With this in place, TKM is anticipating a production output increase of over 30 per cent. This is when compared to the previous 2 shift operations. This will boost productivity and at the same time also help with the growing demand for TKM’s vehicles. All in all, it will greatly contribute to the overall expansion of the automotive industry in the region.

Increase In Demand For TKM

In the past few months, TKM has observed a substantial increase in demand for its current product portfolio. The company is fully working towards the aim of satisfying customer expectations and preferences. Thus TKM is actively responding to this surge in demand by taking bold actions. With an increase in production output, Toyota will ensure a steady supply of products to cater to the rising demand. The enhanced production capacity will also enable the company to expedite the delivery process. This will further help towards reducing the waiting times for customers.

Increase In Employment Opportunities

The implementation of three-shift operations at TKM manufacturing facility, Bidadi, will also bring in significant increase in employment opportunities. Thus with the expansion of production capacity, Toyota is expecting to generate approximately 25 per cent more employment opportunities. This development will also benefit the local workforce. At the same time, it will also contribute to the economic growth of the region.

Also Read: Toyota’s On-line Retail Sales Platform ‘Wheels on Web’ now active

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