Mahindra launched the all-new Thar on 2nd October 2020, coinciding with Mahindra Founder's Day. The Thar made its debut with…
If you're planning to buy a 7-seater premium SUV here in India, you have a total of 4 options. MG…
Mahindra is likely to phase out the brand's smallest SUV, the Mahindra KUV100 NXT, from the Indian market. The brand…
Mahindra will be phasing out the Marazzo MPV from the Indian market. Sources suggest that the MPV is not having…
Mahindra recently announced that a new SUV from the brand would come with the 'XUV700' moniker. The company also revealed…
Mahindra recently established itself as a lifestyle SUV brand, thanks to the success of the new-generation Thar. The brand is…