
2016 California Superbike School dates for India revealed

Written by Tejen Dhankhar

One of the most renowned and prominent Superbike schools worldwide, the California Superbike School, have announced the dates for their India visit and classes in 2016.

Very well known for teaching tactics and skills to riders for handling and balancing their superbikes on track and during races, CSS will be taking place at Chennai this year. Two batches of classrooms, from 5th February – 7th February & 12th February to 14th, will teach technical aspects of riding a fast motorcycle on track.

Well, better suited for professionals to improve their performance or riders who own powerful motorcycles and want to learn going faster, CSS will teach all of the participants in divided lessons and stages to earn proper balance and techniques of riding.

Three day school school is mainly conducted by instructors coming down from worldwide California Superbike School centers.

The venue selected for three day classes is Madras Motor Race Track situated at the outskirts of Chennai. Starting from classroom sessions and then proceeding to the race track practices from levels I-III, will increase riders confident, skills and confidence.

The price tag of INR 66,000 per rider (Excluding the fuel, tyre and food bills) might sound on the higher side, but the learnings more than justify the price.